Monday, November 10, 2014

Taking God At His Word - Kevin DeYoung

"I want to convince you that the Bible makes no mistakes, can be understood, cannot be overturned, and is the most important word in your life, the most relevant thing you read each day."

This is one of the best books I have read in quite some time. I love books that talk about God's word and the importance of it. Every Christian should delight in the Bible, desire the Bible and depend on the Bible. Every Christian should not depend on external experiences or "voices from God" when we have a more sure word, the Bible, God's very words, spoken to us. The Bible is relevant to all of life because we know that the Bible is sufficient.

God's word is also final. General revelation (nature, etc) gives us a sense of God's power but only special revelation (His word) reveals God "more openly" so that we might be saved.

Some practical implications of the sufficiency, clarity, authoritative and necessity of scripture are "Counselors can counsel meaningfully because Scripture is sufficient. Bible study leaders can lead confidently because Scripture is clear. Preachers can preach with boldness because their biblical text is authoritative. And evangelists can evangelize with urgency because Scripture is necessary."

It is also important for us to realize that the "Red Letters", those words spoken by Jesus, are not any more important or authoritative than the rest of Scripture because all the Bible is breathed out by God.

Ultimately, the Bible is the most important book in the Bible; it shows us who God is, it moves us to more Christ-likeness and it guides us in our lives. And we can take God at his Word because we know that the words of the Bible are the very words of God himself.


"Every true Christian should feel deep in his bones an utter dependence on God's self-revelation in the Scriptures." - Page 21

"The word of God is more than enough to accomplish the work of God in the people of God." - Page 24

"You do not need another special revelation from God outside the Bible. You can listen to the voice of God every day, Christ still speaks, because the Spirit has already spoken. If you want to hear from God, go to the book that records only what he has said. Immerse yourself in the word of God. You will not find anything more sure." - Page 42

"The word of God is more than enough for the people of God to live their lives to the glory of God." - Page 55

"It is not for us to stop believing because we lack understanding, but to believe in order that we may understand." - Page 82

"Counselors can counsel meaningfully because Scripture is sufficient. Bible study leaders can lead confidently because Scripture is clear. Preachers can preach with boldness because their biblical text is authoritative. And evangelists can evangelize with urgency because Scripture is necessary." - Page 92

"The purpose of Holy Scripture is not ultimately to make you smart, or make you relevant, or make you rich, or get you a job, or get you married, or take all your problems away, or tell you where to live. The aim is that you might be wise enough to put your faith in Christ and be saved." - Page 116

"All scripture is breathed out by God, not just the parts spoken by Jesus." - Page 119

"You and I simply will not mature as quickly, minister as effectively, or live as gloriously without immersing ourselves in the Scriptures." - Page 121

Thursday, September 4, 2014

priorities of knowledge

So last Monday was our daughter Olivia's first day of Kindergarten. So absolutely nuts that she is in Kindergarten. We went to this orientation of sorts the week before her first day and I remember sitting there listening to the Principal talk about all of the state of the art teaching aids they have and how their school system got some of the best scores in the area. I felt this excitement that my child was going to get a great education and that she was going to learn so much. I got so excited thinking about how I'll be able to help her with her homework and I hope that she is able to get into some advanced placement classes when she hits high school like her daddy...and then it struck me. Do I have the same excitement and desire for her to learn the things of God?

Am I excited when she goes to Sunday School and hope she grows and become so in love with God and learning about Him? Do I long for her to hide God's words in her heart so that she does not sin against Him (Psalms 119:11)? Do I strive to teach the Bible to her, talking about the Bible when we are sitting in our house, and when I am walking by, and when I lie down and when I rise (Deut 11:19)?

Lord, I pray that my children will put knowledge of you so far above any knowledge that this world has to offer. I pray that I will put knowledge of you so far above any knowledge that this world has to offer.

“What makes life worthwhile is having a big enough objective, something which catches our imagination and lays hold of our allegiance; and this the Christian has in a way that no other person has. For what higher, more exalted, and more compelling goal can there be than to know God?” - J.I. Packer